Meeting of August 6, 2018
Serenity Prayer
Present:  Cathy P; Charles P; Scott M; Rich S; Jennifer K; Bill L; Tom B; Rosie C; Pat P
Planned Absences:  Mary Lou, Maryelle, Liz, Kristen, Anil
Proposals for Marin Fellowship Intergroup to Steering Committees:
Thank you to Rosie C! She has agreed to handle the scheduling for Proposals to be presented at meetings.  We have realized it is better to have two people share the responsibility at the meetings. Our process has evolved to passing out the Proposal and FAQs; then taking turns reading all through both.  Only then do we have Q&A.
At the beginning of the meeting, the presenter should clarify the purpose of the meeting:  it is to decide whether or not the group wants to become a member of MI 2020 and consider also financially donating it as they choose. We schedule a follow-up connection at the end of the presentation.
It was suggested that we also present to Service Committees. e decided that will be approached after we have more experience presenting to regular groups.
At this point four presentations have been made, with the decision pending.  Five others are scheduled for August. We now have seven presenters available.
Rich Smith has been doing a fabulous job on creating and maintaining aamarin.org.  He adds event flyers whenever they are forwarded to him. Currently he is setting up our email address and also a donation link.  He has created a Group Registration Form on the left side of the home page. We are currently averaging about 500 hits a week. The business cards have been very well received.
After much discussion, the group decided to wait until after Unity Day to have the Proposal and FAQs posted on aamarin.org.  At the September meeting we will discuss further whether this is best done via PDF forms, or as a Power Point, or a video.
Any person can use the contact form on the website to request being contacted to schedule a presentation to their group’s steering committee.
A treasurer is now needed for MI 2020.  Charles has done a great job and is ready to turn it over for more specific bookkeeping.  We will ask in September who is available.
Meeting Location:
Pat is researching possible centrally located church halls for our meetings as they grow.  After excellent thorough debate, it was decided that either Corte Madera or San Rafael would be workable for people from all over the county.  The idea is tabled for now, as we focus on contacting groups to inform them of the Proposal.
7th Tradition:  Previous Balance:  $152.00
Donations:  $284.00 New Balance:  $436.00
Respectfully submitted,
Pat P
Marin Intergroup 2020